
Health Committee Report HC92 – A question of integrity

The Health Select Committee’s Report lacks integrity. Of course, that’s not to say it doesn’t say some useful things. It identifies many serious errors made by the current Government, while laying the blame for many thousands of deaths at Boris Johnson’s doorstep. However, it lacks transparency, suppresses data, and refuses to account honestly for the UK’s failed pandemic preparedness. …

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Exclusive – Seven Secret Pandemic Reports (including Alice)

We can now publish reports from seven secret pandemic exercises conducted by the British Government between 2015 and 2018, including Exercise Alice – the secret coronavirus exercise which could have helped us prepare for COVID-19, but which politicians and healthcare leaders failed to act on. Reading through these reports, it’s very clear that the Department of Health, NHS England …

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Pandemic NHS triage and social care briefing papers

It has taken us over a year to win disclosure of these secret documents prepared by NHS England for the Department of Health & Social Care in 2017/18. They address a pandemic influenza but they are clearly relevant for UK pandemic management during COVID-19. Both documents will be published and downloadable here from 9am on 31st July 2021. …

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NHS White Paper – Doublespeak Guide

*Breaking News 13th July 2021* It turns out there’s a reason that the NHS White Paper mentions “flexibly” or “flexibility” 38 times… The Health and Care Bill is about to have its second reading tomorrow, and will remove the statutory duty to provide hospital medical services – see Professor Allyson Pollock and Peter Roderick’s Health & Care Bill – …

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Health Secretary ordered to disclose secret pandemic surge documents

In response to our legal campaign, the UK’s Information Commissioner has just issued a ground-breaking decision against the Department of Health & Social Care: they have to disclose secret pandemic surge documents on NHS population triage and adult social care. For over 12 months, the UK Government has done everything possible to avoid disclosure of these two briefing …

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Hancock and the truth: Exercise Alice in Wonderland

Recent events have thrown the probity of the UK Prime Minister and his Health Secretary into question. We can reveal today that Mr Hancock has been keeping the existence of multiple pandemic exercises secret from Parliament and even from the Government’s own scientific expert advisors. These include “Exercise Alice” which modelled MERS – a coronavirus. We now think …

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The Only Way is Essex Fire Service

Let’s open up the mechanics of Exercise Cygnus, and look at the pivotal role of “Resilience Forums” in the UK’s pandemic strategy. Then I’m going to tell you the story of Essex Fire Service’s extraordinary cat-and-mouse response to our legal campaign for pandemic transparency. Resilience Forums – what are they? Exercise Cygnus has been extensively covered in the …

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Why the UK may have to think again about the Astra Zeneca vaccine

Questions have been raised across the world about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines. Many scientists previously raised concerns about the Sputnik vaccine but now the spotlight has turned on our very own “British” vaccine manufactured by Oxford / Astra Zeneca. The WHO has urged European countries to keep using the Astra Zeneca vaccine to save lives, and this is even …

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The Art of War (against the NHS)

Sun Tzu’s The Art of War is used by corporate strategists to this day, and explains a great deal about what’s happened to UK healthcare over the last 40 years. Here we examine the possibility that COVID-19 has finally provided Sun Tzu’s “extraordinary moment”, and what that means for the NHS. COVID-19 presents an “extraordinary moment” in NHS …

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